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No Observed Adverse Effect Level and Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level

Vitamin A 10000 IU 21600 IU
Beta-Carotene 25 mg.  *
Vitamin C More than 1000 mg *
Vitamin E 1200 IU *
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 50 mg *
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 200 mg *
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 200 mg 500 mg
Vitamin B12  1000 mcg *
Folic Acid 1 mg *
Biotin 2500 mcg *
Nicotinic Acid 500 mg. (250 mg SR) 1000 mg (500 mg SR)
Nicotinamide 1500 mg 3000 mg
Selenium 200 mcg 910 mcg
Magnesium 700 mg *
Zinc 30 mg 60 mg
Vitamin D 800 IU 2000 IU
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 30 mg *
Niacin * *
Pantothenic Acid 1000 mg *
Calcium 1500 mg More than 2500 mg
Iron 65 mg 100 mg
Phosphorus 1500 mg More than 2500 mg
Iodine 1000 mcg *
Copper 9 mg *
Manganese 10 mg *
Chromium 1000 mcg *
Molybdenum 350 mcg *
Chloride * *
Potassium * *
Boron * *
Nickel * *
Silicon * *
Tin * *
Vanadium * *
Lutein * *
None established
**  NOAEL is a level that should be considered safe and requires no application of a safety factor to determine a safe intake, based on the most sensitive subgroup.
***  LOAEL is a level that should NOT be considered safe for everyone and may require the application of a safety factor to calculate a safe intake.
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